Put simply – globalisation is the interconnectedness of domestic economies to a more ‘global’ economy. Now due to the rise of globalisation. And what happens across the world offshore in one economy. And can have major consequences locally in another economy. As host Andrew Baxter says – this wasn’t always the case.


Put simply – globalisation is the interconnectedness of domestic economies to a more ‘global’ economy. Now due to the rise of globalisation. And what happens across the world offshore in one economy. And can have major consequences locally in another economy. As host Andrew Baxter says – this wasn’t always the case. #SMSFInvesting #SMSFinvestmentideas #SMSFInvestmentStrategies #TradingCourseAustralia #StocktradingcoursesAustralia #SharetradingcoursesAustralia #InvestmentCourse https://moneyandinvesting.com.au/blog/globalisation-and-its-effect-on-the-stock-market/
Globalisation and its Effect on the Stock Market
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